Module descriptions, curriculum, module overview

Mandatory modules

MedCompact - Basics of medical science and pharmacology

IntroMed - Clincal manifestations of diseases and cell biology for clincal research

MolBio - Basics of molecular biology

MolPatho - Pathology and immunology

ScienceMethod - Methodology of scientific research

SoftSkills - Skills for scientific research

Project - Project planning

Genetics - Human genetics and scientific studies in medical research

WritEng - English scientific writing

BioInfo - Introduction to bioinformatics

Techno - New technologies in biomedical research


Focus areas and electives

MolOcular - Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the eye (+ small electives)

DiseaseTrace - Tracing disease through time (+ small electives)

Imaging - Imaging techniques in biomedicine (+ small electives)

Inflammation I

Practical Inflammation I - research practical Inflammation

Inflammation II

Oncology I

Practical Oncology I - reserach practical Oncology

Oncology II

EvoMed I - Evolutionary Medicine I

Practical EvoMed I - research practical Evolutionary Medicine

EvoMed II - Evolutionary Medicine II

Master - Master thesis


Curriculum and module/exam overview 2023

Curriculum Medical Lfe Sciences from summer semeter 2023

Overview for modules and exams 2023