What MedLife is about
- a molecular focus on major disease indications
- teaching by clinicians and scientists of international reputation (Nature, Science, PNAS, NEJM publications)
- project work in high-end research labs
- studying in an international programme exclusively taught in English
- in-depth information on paleogenetics of disease
- opportunities to write your Master's thesis abroad in labs of research partners
integration into the Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation.
- Medical Life Sciences is a full-time programme, the regulation study time is four semesters:ach semester, 30 credit points have to be acquired, i.e. 750-900 work hours need to go into your studies.
The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master’s thesis. The degree awarded is a Master of Science (MSc).
Medical Life Sciences charges no study fees.
For enrolling at Kiel University, there is a one-time registration fee of 55 EUR.
The current university administration fee including the semester pass is 266,50 EUR/semester. The semester pass entitles you to free use of buses and trains in Kiel, Hamburg and the whole federal state of Schleswig-Holstein.
----> Oncology ++++ Evolutionary Medicine ++++ Tracing Disease through Time ++++ Imaging ++++ Bioinformatics ++++ Inflammation <----