The university and the university hospital are situated at different locations but they are not very far removed from each other.
Most of Kiel University is located in two big complexes along Olshausenstraße. The main lecture hall Audimax, the students’ canteen Mensa I, administration, the old library, preclinical, science, social and economic science institutes are clustered at Westring around Christian-Albrechts-Platz. If you continue down Olshausenstraße, after 0.5 km you arrive at the second big university complex with its sports facilities, the biology departments (Bioturm), the Center for Molecular Life Sciences (ZMB), the Botanical Garden, the university library and departments of the humanities, law and theological faculties. There is a shuttle bus which runs from one complex to the other every other minute.
The Faculty of Engineering is located on the eastern side of the Kiel Fjord.
From the Westring complex, the medical campus can be reached by bike in a few minutes. It lines the lower part of Feldstraße down Brunswiker Straße towards the city centre (Schlossgarten) and the old Botanical Garden right at Kiel Fjord (Düsternbrooker Weg). Most institutes of the Medical Faculty and specialised hospitals are located on that campus.
You will get to know all these locations as Medical Life Sciences is designed as an interdisciplinary programme with research and teaching facilities on both campuses.
You can check where everything is on the online campus maps.